25 сентября 2017Ruslan Makhmutov: “traditions and innovations are effectively combined at BelSU”
On final day of the VII International scientific conference "Sociology of religion in the society of a late modernist style: the religion, education, the international integration" researchers have discussed a religious factor in the Euroasian integration
20 сентября 2017Dimitriu Pedagogical dynasty
The meeting of students with the great-granddaughter of the director of the Belgorod teacher's institute Alexey Dimitriu Natalia Potanina has taken place in the BelSU History Museum
19 сентября 2017BelSU opens joint educational programs with the Russian-Armenian university
Deputy director for scientific work and the international activity of BelSU Institute of Law Alevtina Novikova and the manager of department of the constitutional and international law Marina Markhgeym have visited Russian-Armenian university (Yerevan, Armenia)