The results of the IV All-Russian student's scientific and technical VUZPROMFEST festival were summed up the day before
Five best teams of Central Federal District competed in science and creativity at Vuzpromfest, where creatively executed innovative idea can bring a victory. Students’ work was estimated by the deputy head of department - the head of department of control of health and project activities of control of the organization of medical care of healthcare department and social protection of the population of Belgorod region Victoria Chursina, the consultant of innovative activities of investments control department and innovations of department of economic development of the Belgorod region Tatyana Reznichenko, the CEO of the Ready Steady Grow company, the business coach, the federal expert of youth grant projects of the youth federal agency Sergey Tsygankov, the expert of the 3D platform, the representative of Moscow Polytechnic University Boris Saprykin, the program director of the VUZPROMFEST festival Ekaterina Surkova and the manager of BelSU Engineering School Dmitry Popov.
The first place was adjudged to a BelSU’s team for a Robo-Pharmacist hardware and software system. The coordinator of the team– the associate professor of application-oriented informatics and information technologies of BelSU Rustam Asadullayev, the captain – Kirill Skubnikov. All projects were highly appreciated by experts, and five commands will go to Moscow for the finals.
Victorious team included: Alexey Novoseltsev, Kirill Skubnikov, Alyona Likhvar, Vyacheslav Andreenkov, Anna Kononova.
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