The regular meeting of the Belgorod branch of ROO "Byzantine Club" on a subject "Regions of Byzantium: Crimea" took place at BelSU
The famous scientists, teachers, clergymen, administration and, of course, students of BelSU Pedagogical Institute historical and philological department participated in a meeting of club.
One of organizers of work of "The Byzantine club", Professor Nikolay Bolgov, answering questions of journalists, noted that leading experts in area of the Crimean and Byzantine subject participate in a meeting, which takes place in a format of a scientific conference.
Conferees were welcomed by the rector of BelSU, doctor of political sciences, Professor Oleg Polukhin who has emphasized the high historical role of the Crimea in formation of the east Christian world.
“Thanks to creation of "The Byzantine club" we have an opportunity to represent the Byzantine movement in Russia and to participate in its work. I think there are no doubts that the Crimea has connected Byzantium with our state, having laid the foundation for the merge of cultures. It is sure that today's conversation on the Crimea as the region of Byzantium will help us to understand more deeply value of restoration of unity of the Russian Federation” – Oleg Polukhin said.
Speaking about value of results of work of the Byzantine club, the leading researcher of Lomonosov Moscow State University Mikhail Gratsiansky have noted that the club has to come to the All-Russian level.
At the conference, the head of the department of social and arts education of the Crimean republican institute of post-degree pedagogical education, the historian, the archeologist, the doctor of historical sciences Yury Mogarichev gave the report "Byzantine world: unity and variety.
The manager of BelSU History Museum, the candidate of historical sciences Irina Denisova has submitted the report "Slavs in Byzantium: problems of relationship".
Conferees have discussed an originality of a historical way of the Crimean region during Roman empire era, the political organization, cultural and religious life.
During the meeting the plan of work for 2018 has been accepted.
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