The closing ceremony for the second shift of the International Language Summer School took place at “Nezhegol” recreation complex
Guests of the ceremony were the director of the Center for Foreign Language Education and Academic Writing Larisa Tsurikova, the teacher of the School and the deputy director of the Center for Foreign Language Education and Academic Writing Valentin Doborovich and the dean of the Foreign Languages Department Alexei Kolesnikov.
Valentin Doborovich congratulated young people on completing the training and said that the received certificates of ILSS participants should become the basis for future achievements. Teacher Ian Turner (UK) thanked students for the two weeks they spent together.
The culmination of the evening was the Festival of Foreign Languages and Creativity ‘Nezhegol International Playhouse’. For several days groups of participants were preparing for theatrical productions to impress the viewer and deliver the content of the story in English, German and Spanish. For two weeks students expanded the boundaries of knowledge and discovered new information, and the theater became the most vivid way to demonstrate emotional experiences and share knowledge with other students.
Participants of the second shift together with the language school volunteers sang the ILSS hymn (‘The ILSS Song’) together with Ian Turner. The closing ceremony of the second shift of the summer language school was completed with the delivery of certificates of ILSS participants and honorary certificates on special nominations.
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