Our University was a regional quarter-final venue for the annual Association for Computer Machinery – International Collegiate Programming Competition (ACM-ICPC), and our team was triumphant
A team made up of students from the Institute of Engineering and Digital Technology and the Shukhov Lyceum in Belgorod competed with 15 other teams in a competition lasting 4 hours. The participants solved complex problems in competitive programs that tested their ability to use the Pascal & Free Pascal/Lazarus, C/C++ & Visual Studio C++, and C# & Visual Studio C# languages and software systems. Their victory will see them travel to Saratov National Research University for the next stage in October, with a view to making the finals in Porto in Portugal next spring.
The ACM-ICPC was started in 1977, and is open to any university. Competitors go through regional stages within the academic year. Last year's competition involved 49,935 students from 3,098 universities in 111 countries.
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