In the consortium, Russian universities will develop and promote projects in the field of personal medicine and health care, distributed energy and other areas of the national technology initiative (NTI)
The participants in the steel consortium are the technological accelerator SIA Expanse Capital, Skoltech, and 12 more universities, including Belgorod State University, TSU, ITMO, UrFU, NSTU and others. The initiators of the creation of the network accelerator are universities that are interested in the practices of venture investments. According to experts, the creation of a tool of financial support will allow universities to increase the number of successful technology start-ups and help them advance in the Russian and international markets.
The agreement signed by universities implies the formation of joint teams for the implementation of technology projects, providing expert support to project teams, promoting their activities in the regions of Russia and other countries, building effective communication with government authorities, corporations and other stakeholders for the development of technological entrepreneurship based on universities.
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