The preceding weekends BelSU students took part in two football tournaments – Open Championship of Belgorod, League One and Five-A-Side Friendship Cup of the Centre for Youth Initiatives
The “Iraq” football team consisting of BelSU students from Iraq, Jordan and Ecuador competed for the title of the best team in Five-A-Side Friendship Cup of the Centre for Youth Initiatives. The team did not win, but one of its sportsmen, a student of Medical Institute Allubani Ali Samir from Jordan was awarded the title of the top goal scorer of the tournament.
The Open Championship of Belgorod, League One also became a big success for Allubani Ali – playing on “Belorussia” team he became a silver medal winner and was recognized as the top goal scorer.
In the academic year 2019-2020 the sportsman already won the title of Best Player in 8*8 Five-A-Side Peace Cup which was held among BelSU student teams and became the top goal scorer of the Football Championship in Belgorod.
“It is great that the restrictions are being eased and our sports life including works-out and tournaments is getting back on a track. The international students from Associations of Fellow-Countrymen vote for active lifestyle”, noted Ali.
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