The Minister of Science and Higher Education cited the effectiveness of the projects implemented under REC “Innovative Solutions in Agri-Business” at the meeting with the President of Russia
The Minister of Science and Higher Education Valeriy Falkov attended the latest conference of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and members of the Government where he reported on the first outcomes achieved by 5 research and education centres launched as part of the National Project “Research” realized in 2019.
Valeriy Falkov noted that the interaction between research and educational institutions is being gradually increased and the first outcomes of the real technological projects have been outlined. As an example of the effective collaboration of scientists and businesses the Minister pointed out the project in automation of agribusiness.
“A research team is solving the goal of production increase in the big holding “AgroBelogorye by the use of machine vision technology,” told Valeriy Falkov.
The President highly evaluated the work by the research and education centres focusing on the big role of the regional governors. The project developments given as an example at the conference are among the priority research fields realized by BelSU scientists. The research team headed by Professor Olga Ivaschuk developed an automated system of intelligent computer vision for higher priority data acquisition and processing in beef production management that enables to carry out non invasive monitoring of farm livestock housed in dense dynamic groups.
The report by Russia 1 TV company dedicated to the conference with the President also referred to Belgorod REC involving researchers from BelSU realizing the project on Development of Integrated Scientific Methodology of Plants Introduction implemented at NRU BelSU Botanical Garden. The Head of the Laboratory for Plants Biotechnology of the Botanical Garden Ludmila Tokhtar told about the project progress.
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