As part of Russia and China’s bilateral year of culture, the delegates from Belgorod National Research University paid a visit to Dezhou University.
BelSU delegation headed by Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Vladislav Kuchmistyy visited Dezhou University, an over a 20-year long partner university of BelSU. The visit programme included the launch of the Shandong Province Russian-Central Asian Centre for Economy and Cultural Research.
Vladislav Kuchmistyy participated in the opening ceremony together with representatives of the Administration, the Department of Education, and the Office of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Government of the Shandong Province. The representatives of the Institute of Eurasian Social Development and the Centre for Development Studies under the State Council, the Institute of Eurasia and the China Institute of International Studies, representatives of higher and secondary educational institutions and industrial companies of Shandong Province also attended the event. Among the honoured guests at the event were Deputy Director, First Class Inspector of the Shandong Province’s Office of External Relations Sun Yebao, Second Class Inspector of the Shandong Provincial Education Department Guan Enwen, and Secretary of the Party Committee of Dezhou University Wu Jun.
The Russian-Central Asian Centre for Economy and Cultural Research was founded within China’s Belt and Road global initiative. As the objectives, the Centre sets promoting the exchange of knowledge and educational technologies, creating a more advantageous distribution of academic resources, advancing cooperation in science and research, and developing models of joint response to global challenges. The centre aims at bringing to teachers and students opportunities to expand their competencies in intercultural communication and increase their competitiveness in the international talent market.
– We are open to the implementation of joint educational programs and research, long-term business partnerships. The development of scientific, educational, trade and economic cooperation is the most important part of successful interaction between Russia and China, one of the priority areas of the entire complex of Russian-Chinese partnership relations, - noted Vice-Rector for International Cooperation Vladislav Kuchmistyy.
BelSU scientists – members of the visiting delegation – took part in the International scientific and practical conference on Genetic Technologies for Biology and Medicine, which took place at Dezhou University. The Belgorod delegation comprised Doctor of Medical Sciences and Director of the BelSU Research Institute of Pharmacology of Living Systems, Prof. Mikhail Pokrovsky, Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Clinical Pharmacology of the BelSU Medical Institute Mikhail Korokin and Director of the BelSU United Centre for Genetic Technologies Alexey Deikin.
This visit also included Vice-Rector’s meeting with students of Belgorod Institute of Food Sciences at Dezhou University. Vladislav Kuchmistyy attended the finals of the 3rd Contest in Rhetoric in the Russian language for schools, colleges, universities, and other centers of learning of the Russian-Chinese University Union of Joint Programs. The Vice-Rector spoke in praise of the impressive achievements of the Chinese students the Russian language learning. As a memorable souvenir, he gave the contest’s winner, a first-year student Xia Zhihan some university branded items.
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