Nationwide intellectual race brought together representatives of various universities who competed to submit the best educational material on the AI use in scientific and educational activities.
The AI for Youth: Science, Education, Health contest on the use of AI technologies in scientific and educational activities was organized by Lomonosov Moscow State University. The participants competed in three categories: Healthcare, Science and Education.
Victoria Dunaeva, a second-year master's student in Biotechnical Systems and Technologies, submitted the best educational material in the Science category.
Victoria’s entry in the contest was her project on Using Artificial Intelligence in Scientific Research for the Analysis of Electroencephalography Data and Epilepsy Prediction.
‘The importance of studying the problems of diagnosis and subsequent prediction of epilepsy is mainly due to the widespread prevalence of the disease. According WHO, around 50 million people in the world suffer from epilepsy. Every year the number of new cases of the disease is increasing,’ noted Victoria Dunaeva.
The winners were announcers at the award ceremony that took place at Lomonosov Moscow State University as part of the Reporting Session of the Civilization of Healthy Technologies project.
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