International Model of the UN: Security Council took place online, organized by the University’s International Diplomacy Club with the support of the Department of International Relations, Foreign Regional Studies, and Political Science.
During the opening ceremony, welcome speeches were delivered by Olga Dekhnich, Deputy Director of the BelSU Institute of Cross-cultural Communication and International Relations; Anastasia Strzhalkovskaya, Acting Head of the Department of International Relations, Foreign Regional Studies, and Political Science; and Alexey Kozhushko, the Model’s Secretary General and a fourth-year student in the BelSU International Relations program.
The event brought together students from eight universities in addition to BelSU, including Udmurt State University, Ural Federal University named after the first President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin, Voronezh State University, ITMO University, Samara National Research University named after Academician Sergey Korolev, Moscow State Law University named after Oleg Kutafin, Saratov State University named after Nikolay Chernyshevsky, and Ryazan State University named after Sergey Yesenin.
According to the organizers, the UN Model acts as a forum-style role-playing experience that mimics the complex decision-making processes of this significant international organization.
Throughout the event, participants assume the roles of representatives from various countries involved in the activities of the simulated organization.
‘UN Models foster young people’s interest in world politics and history. By increasing awareness of contemporary global challenges and the UN’s efforts to address them, participants enhance their information retrieval and public speaking skills,’ noted Olga Dekhnich.
The three-day agenda featured discussions on “Strengthening Methods of Ensuring Cybersecurity in the Context of Countering Global Terrorism” and simulated the workings of the UN Security Council.
At the closing ceremony, Anna Pushko, a student from Moscow State Law University, was recognized as the most constructive delegate of the UN Model. She was awarded the honour of reading the Final Resolution to the guests.
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