The annual festival commemorates World Arabic Language Day, celebrated on December 18.
Belgorod State University (BelSU) organizes the Festival of Arabic Language and Culture to foster interethnic harmony and expand students’ horizons. This event unites students from diverse nationalities, graduates from Belgorod universities, educators, and professionals in international relations, along with anyone interested in oriental studies.
At the grand opening of the festival, Olga Lyutova, Director of the International Information Centre, welcomed the attendees. ‘The Festival of Arabic Language and Culture provides a unique opportunity to explore the rich history, art, traditions, and language of the Arab world. It serves as a bridge between countries and cultures, making our world more accessible and fostering constructive and friendly communication,’ emphasized Olga Lyutova. On the same day, Mai Alaradwan, a staff member from the Mahmoud Darwish Centre, conducted a masterclass in calligraphy.
Additionally, an exhibition titled “City Landscapes” featuring paintings by Wahbi Abdulah – Deputy Chairman of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, and part of the Association of International Graduates and Students in the Belgorod Region – was inaugurated in Building 4 on the BelSU campus.
‘There are many students from Arab countries studying in Belgorod who miss their homeland; they will appreciate seeing the landscapes of Morocco. Conversely, Russian students will not only become familiar with views of Arab cities but will also gain insight into how I perceive Belgorod through the eyes of a foreigner,’ remarked Abdulah.
On December 17, Nikolai Sukhov, a leading research fellow at the Centre for Middle Eastern Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ IMEMO and a professor at HSE in St. Petersburg, delivered a combined-format lecture titled “The Geopolitical Situation in the Middle East: Centres of Influence.” The lecture attracted teachers and students from BelSU's Institute of Cross-Cultural Communication and International Relations, who are studying world politics and international relations. A recognized expert on Middle Eastern issues, Sukhov shared insights into the current international landscape and presented several potential scenarios for its future development.
The 2024 festival program included various cultural and educational activities: a lecture on the Arabic language within the global linguistic context and a literary salon showcasing the Russian translation of "Dance on the Threshold of a New Day," a book by a Syrian author. Participants included students and faculty from St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO, Kazan Federal University, Southern Federal University, Tula State University, and Altai State Pedagogical University. The festival also welcomed participants from specialized partner centres such as the Sergey Yesenin Centre for Russian Language and Culture at Al-Istiqlal University (Palestine), Al-Hadara Centre for Arabic Language (Kazan), Centre for Interdisciplinary Cooperation (St. Petersburg), and the Russian-Syrian Cultural Centre (Rostov).
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