The integration of educational, scientific, and extracurricular activities, along with plans for celebrating the university’s 150th anniversary, were key topics at the recent academic council meeting led by Belgorod State University Rector Evgeniya Karlovskaya.
Vice-Rector for Educational Activities Alexey Chernitsov presented a report on this integration, emphasizing that science should be a fundamental component of each student’s educational and professional journey. He stressed the importance of harmonizing education within the learning process to instil traditional values and foster a sense of devotion and commitment.
Chernitsov proposed that bridging the gap between scientific and educational activities could be achieved by incorporating elements of funded research and development (RD) into each educational program.
‘The outcome of this approach could yield a wide array of benefits, including the cultivation of potential participants for funded RD, the formation of new research groups and teams, the emergence of fresh topics and clients for RD, and an overall increase in both the volume of RD and available funding,” Chernitsov explained.
He also suggested implementing social technologies to facilitate the integration of educational and scientific processes.
Regarding the integration of educational and upbringing activities, Chernitsov highlighted that all student projects must align with national values as stated by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 9, 2022 No. 809 “On approval of the Fundamentals of State Policy for the Preservation and Strengthening of Traditional Russian Spiritual and Moral Values”.
He emphasized that students should take the initiative in these projects, focusing on their interests as well as those of their partners involved in implementation.
‘Integration of educational, scientific, and extracurricular activities is envisioned as a triumvirate that encourages students, teachers, and researchers to organize their personal and professional endeavors in ways that naturally yield results across all activities,’ concluded Alexey Chernitsov.
Georgy Nadareishvili, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development at Nikolay Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, joined Chernitsov in presenting insights on this topic. He noted that educational, scientific, and extracurricular activities are woven into a cohesive educational experience for students, facilitated by an effective management system.
‘With commitments to the state, the Ministry of Health, and regional needs, we are focused on training unique specialists. While we cannot alter educational standards, we can leverage all university resources to enhance competencies – especially in areas where we excel – by complementing and expanding our educational offerings,’ Nadareishvili stated.
Georgy Nadareishvili emphasized that outside the formal educational process, activities are tailored to the interests of the students themselves. For those aspiring to work in outpatient departments after graduation, practical experience is provided through scientific circles. Meanwhile, students aiming to pursue careers as researchers are actively engaged in scientific projects that typically bring together scientists and students from two or three different university institutes. Notably, some comprehensive projects are conducted not only in collaboration with external partners but also within the university itself, such as the development and production of gene therapy drugs. Cultural and sports initiatives are also designed with a focus on developing competencies that will benefit students in their future professions.
After reviewing and discussing the reports, members of the Academic Council acknowledged that BelSU has established a solid foundation for student scientific activities. The university offers a wide range of modern, in-demand educational programs at all levels, enabling students to explore various fields. However, they also recognized gaps in the implementation of these core processes that require detailed collaborative development.
Additionally, the Academic Council's agenda included discussions about preparations for the upcoming 150th anniversary celebration of the university. Vice-Rector for Administrative Work Vladimir Gerashchenko presented proposals regarding the anniversary events, which will commence on September 26, 2025.
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