Innovative methods predict newborn height and weight, allowing prospective parents to assess the risk of low body weight or height before conception and enabling timely preventive measures possible to take during pregnancy preparation.
A foetus that measures below the normal height for its gestational age may struggle to reach its genetically determined growth potential. Additionally, insufficient foetal weight can lead to long-term negative impacts on a child’s development and health. Consequently, infants classified as having low height and low birth weight are a primary focus for both medical professionals and researchers.
Led by Professor Mikhail Churnosov, head of the Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines, a team of scientists from BelSU conducted extensive molecular genetic studies to identify significant genetic factors in mothers linked to the birth of babies with low weight and height.
The study involved 694 maternity patients from St. Joasaph Hospital in Belgorod, all of whom were European women, natives of the Central Black Earth Region of Russia. Molecular genetic marker typing was performed at the Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines of the BelSU Medical Institute.
By analysing genetic data from new mothers and monitoring their infants, the researchers established criteria for predicting a newborn’s weight and height.
Their findings revealed that a specific combination of maternal genotypes - rs1805087 MTR AA - rs1979277 SHMT1 CC - rs11568818 MMP7 TT - and rs3025058 MMP3 6A6A - was associated with low birth weight. Furthermore, another combination - rs1801394 MTRR GG - rs1805087 MTR AA - rs699517 TIMS CC - and rs17577 MMP9 AA - indicated a heightened likelihood of a low-growth foetus. According to Professor Churnosov, these polymorphic loci play a crucial role in folic acid metabolism and the modification of the extracellular matrix, both of which are vital for foetal growth.
‘We are the first in Russia to identify genotype combinations linked to the birth of children with low height. The polymorphisms we studied enable us to predict with high accuracy the likelihood of having a low-weight baby,’ said Professor Churnosov.
The new predictive methods based on maternal genetic data developed by BelSU scientists enhance early diagnostic capabilities. By implementing these techniques, healthcare providers can identify risk groups among women even before pregnancy begins and take proactive steps to mitigate the risks of low birth weight and height in newborns.
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