9 февраля 2015State and municipal workers obtained diplomas
40 regional executives, which include state and municipal authority workers, ended their Graduate courses in BelSU Institute of management. 17 of them got diplomas with excellence.
6 февраля 2015Future lawyers competed in international law
The team of BelSU Institute of Law took part in Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition – the largest and most prestigious moot competition in the world.
4 февраля 2015Foreign citizens can take Russian exam at BelSU
Belgorod State University made it into a list of educational establishments where foreign citizens can take an assembled examination in Russian language, history and legislation to get a working license in Russia.
29 января 2015Science combat – helpful games
The first science combat «Express_Science», organized by BelSU Student Scientifical Society together with Young scientists’ research work department took place in the university.
27 января 2015BelSU scientists invented a new veterinary preparation
The specialists of the small innovative enterprise «ProBioBelSU» developed a probiotic, which allows improving the quality of livestock product. This preparation influences the increase of weight gain of cattle and poultry and raises the immunity of animals.
19 января 2015BelSU executives underwent training in SKOLKOVO
BelSU representatives underwent training in the “New higher education leaders-2014” program housed by Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO.
2 января 2015BelSU summarized the scientific work in 2014
The rise of extent of the research and R&D works, rise of publishing activity and increase of patents’ quantity became the scientists’ main achievements in the expiring year.