II Международный Симпозиум "Инженерно-физические технологии биомедицины" и одноименная Молодежная Школа
The 2st International Symposium on “Physics, Engineering and Technologies for Bio-Medicine” is organized following the successful 1st International Symposium on “Physics, Engineering and Technologies for Bio-Medicine”, held in Moscow at the occasion of the foundation of the new Institute PhysBio at MEPhI (Russia).
Under the auspices of the Russian Ministry of Science and Education, the Ministry of Health and the State Company Rosatom, the 2ndSymposium is again organized by the Institute of Engineering Physics for Biomedicine (PhysBio) of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) in close collaboration with non-profit partnership «Kaluga pharmaceutical cluster».
Conference topics
The Symposium aims at bringing together leading scientists and experts in nuclear medicine, biophysics, bio-photonics, and emerging fields to present their works and having invited lectures on the following topics:
- Advanced materials and methods for MRI and PET
- Bioimaging technologies and materials
- Bio-photonics for diagnosis and therapy
- Bioprinting
- Brachy-, Proton and Ion therapy methods
- Diagnosis methods, today and in the future
- Immuno-therapy
- Isotopes for medical purpose
- Medical-biological aspects of radiation effects
- Nanomaterials for biomedical applications
- Plasma and laser technologies for biomedicine
- Translational medicine
The Symposium provides a unique opportunity for fruitful scientific discussions and for establishing contacts with scientists all over the world.
Тип мероприятия:
научная конференция
Категория мероприятия:
Международный уровень
Дата начала:
Дата окончания:
Срок окончания приёма заявок:
Категория участников:
Все желающие
Формат проведения:
Место проведения:
115409, г. Москва, Каширское ш., 31., тел. +7 (495) 788-56-99
Электронный ресурс (веб-сайт):
Национальный исследовательский ядерный университет «МИФИ»
Контактная информация:
Информационное сообщение:
Материалы мероприятия:
Количество показов: 2818
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